For the Reverberation Art Festival, held from 1st to 30th June 2023 in Qingshan Village, China we created a new playful, green version of “Le Voyeur”
Le Voyeur is an interactive pavilion that is a reversed watch tower; a place to observe the surroundings from an artificial height. From an intimate, closed interior space, the object invites you to focus far outwards and observe the surroundings in a surprising way; Le Voyeur shows the landscape from the ground, in a bird's eye perspective.
The pavilion is made of a round shape that is slanted at the top. In the sloping plane an oval mirror is placed, that reflects the landscape. Due to the angle in which the mirror is placed, this can only be seen from inside the the pavilion. The floor consists of a stretched leather floating floor, where visitors can lie down and experience the landscape in a comfortable way. From the outside, the people on the leather floor are seen from afar in the hanging mirror, through the round opening in the top of the pavilion.
The six meter high structure of the pavilion is made of aluminium, in a green color with a brown leather floor. The colours relate to the colours of the surrounding bamboo forest. The artwork offeres a place to rest, for families to come together, for children to play, and for everyone to connect with the beautiful surroundings by viewing it from different perspectives.
2023, Qingshan Village, Yuhang, China
In collaboration with JV communications / REVERBERATION ART SEASON